Hats and Scarves

Hats and Scarves
Hats and Scarves

A Year and a Half Later

A Year and a Half Later
A Year and a Half Later

Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day - A Great Day to Lose Your Hair!

My hair started falling out yesterday.  I thought I would be brave and let it take its own sweet time, but decided - NO!  If I'm going to be bald it will be my choice - when and how, not the Chemo's.  Chemo can control a lot of things, but not this.  So I got up this morning and shaved it off.  Surprisingly it doesn't look half bad.   River, one of my 73/4 year old (as he says) grandsons, looked at my head and said - Wow - and you're still pretty Nona.  Gotta love that kid.

Katrina in a show of solidarity - shaved her head too, she's just as beautiful without hair as she is with.  Thank you Katrina that is so sweet of you, you are amazing.

I found that it isn't near as scary to be bald as I thought it would be, though my head is a little cold without a hat, but I have plenty of those, I wonder if Katrina is planning on borrowing them.

Baldness already seems normal and it's only been 12 hours.  I'm continuously amazed about what I consider normal now, compared to a couple of months ago, it's truly wonderful how adaptable we can be.  Living with an attitutude of gratitude, trusting in our Lord, rolling with the punches and keeping a postive, fun outlook makes all the difference.  My faith carries me through the dips, I just have to remember to say "Jesus I trust in You". 

I again want to thank everyone for the prayers and support - I have an amazing group of family, friends and even casual acquaintances.

Love to you all and May God Bless you and your families.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hair Cut and Scarf Bonding with some wonderful girls

Well it was suggested yesterday by a couple of wonderful nurses at the Willamette Valley Cancer Center that it might be a good idea to cut my hair short soon, as it would be starting to fall out in 2-4 weeks, this would help me avoid the hair fall out shock.  Juliana brought Katrina home from their journey to Demi's Confirmation and she offered to cut it for me - I don't think that I've had it this short since 8th grade.  Thanks Juliana for doing such a good job. 

Then we got carried away with scarf bonding, testing out the hats and the ways to tie scarves.  I have the best daughters, they are amazing.  Emily joined in the fun too.  It would have been fun to have Mom, Betty, Demi, Ingrid and Ellie. 

It looks like Patrick did his bit and shaved his head, Anthony thought he looked like an alien, but I think that he is as handsome as ever. 

Below are some pictures of our Scarf day.

Thank you all for the great day - I love you all.  May God Bless my amazing family.

Mom (Linda)

Monday, May 17, 2010

5/17/2010 Chemo - 1 Down - 5 To Go!

I can feel any lurking cancer cells saying their good byes before DYEING!!!!!

Today was my first Chemo day, we were there from 9-5, having labs drawn, seeing the Dr. and his nurse, who gave us all the info about what was going to happen, what to expect, what to be concerned about, what to watch out for, and what do if/when I get the issues. Then six hours on an IV, actually through my port that was placed below my right collar bone, first giving me saline, so that I would have to use the bathroom at least once an hour while I was there.

Then the "Chemo" started - first they gave me mega doses of Benedryl and more steriods (I'm already taking high doses of steriods for three days - good bye sleep, I hear that by the end of the week though that all I'll want to do is sleep). Next came the actual "Chemo" drugs Taxotere, this is the one the are most worried will cause an allergic reaction on the first treatment, next Carboplatin, everything went well. The taxotere kills cancer cells that are growing, and Carboplatin kills them at rest. I will be receiving these every three weeks for 6 treatments total.

Then came the Hercepitin - this is actually a targeted therapy, it's an antibody that works against HER/2neu positve cancer cells, given in conjuction with the Chemo on my chemo days, but is also give weekly during the "6 treatment phase" I will receive it 3 times for every Chemo treatment, after that I will continue to receive this every three weeks for a year.

So far I feel fine, but it's probably because I have so many phramaceuticals to keep me that way for the next day or two. By Thursday these drugs will all wear off, and I may not feel so good for a few days, but they've covered their bases there too, with more drugs if needed.

7-14 days after these treatments my white cells drop and it's much easier for me to develop a serious infection - that's the time to stay away from sick people and crowds.

Good News - starting next week with my weekly Herceptin treatment I will get to receive the rest of my treatments in Florence, barring any issues - YaaHoo! That will make the day easier.

A word on my prostheic breast and bra - you can't tell the difference from a real one, it feels comfortable, looks great, is easy to use, you can take it swimming. Sometimes I even forget that I dont' still have the real one, kind of weird actually.

Thank you all for your continued prayers - they make a world of difference. I'm so blessed with my family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances. Small towns are a wonderful place to be, it's amazing how people that you barely know are there to pray for you, and help you, and they really mean it. Sure makes me feel bad about the times that I could have been there for others, but I just didn't get it done. Hoping to change that in the future.

TTFN - more on this new Lifes Adventure soon.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God - O Saviour Save us!!!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

5/7/2010 - Good Results!!!! Happy Mother's Day.

I spent all day Wednesday getting scanned, top to bottom - I got the results, NO SIGN of metastasis - yippee, and now they have a baseline for the future. We also have a good baseline for my heart (my heart looked great), since herceptin can cause heart issues, that's very rare, but does happen.

The Dr. decided to put my chemo off for a week or so because I'm still on antibiotics for the abscessed tooth that I had worked on last week, they want to wait until I'm done with the antibiotics just to make sure. This is kind of sad, because I wanted to get moving on this, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

We're in Medford this weekend for Elijah's First Communion, Father Cary and Cary celebrated a beautiful mass yesterday for 32 young ones. The Church was packed and it was just the families and friends of the First Communicants. It turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day. Betty made an amazing banquet for the bunch of us, and Patrick did a wonderful job of barbequing (not sure that's how you spell that). Great family visiting time. We don't get to see Patrick, Betty, Demi, Anthony, Eli and Ellie near enough. The kids are so fun to be around.

Two friends/co-workers, Toni and Lynn, did the Relay for Life in Boise for me yesterday - Thanks Toni and Lynn.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone. Enjoy your families, if you haven't talked to them in a while give them a call.

God bless,