The Girls - Christmas at Teresa's |
I can't believe that 2010 is over, it flew past, I guess time flies when you're having fun?

I think that it may be time to rename the blog. I've completed Breast Cancer 101 and passed with flying colors. I'm considered cured and taking precautionary measures to make sure that there are no nasty little cancer cells dwelling out there in my body somewhere just waiting for their chance to start a new colony, the Herceptin and Armidex are my vigilant watchdogs. Thank you God for modern medicine - these two therapies haven't been used for adjuvant therapy for that long.
Now it's time to find that new normal I hear so much about. My old normal will never be there again, so I need to stop waiting for it to return and move on to my "new normal". Easier said than done. I get so excited when I have a little window of the old normal, I think "Tomorrow I will be able to get out there, get a job, cook dinner, do the laundry, visit friends, clean the house....", and then 15 minutes later I'm taking a nap. The doctors and nurses, and my family, are awesome, they tell me I need to let my body heal, it will still take a while, I've been through a lot, lower my expectations to be more in line with reality, again easier said than done. I guess I've always been kind of an overachiever, expecting more of myself than others do, it's hard to break that pattern in my brain.
New Normal Rules - (not necessarily in order of importance)
- Trust that God is control and I need to let Him show me the way.
- Rest when I'm tired
- I'm not being lazy - I'm healing
- Don't cry about it, there is nothing you can do
- Recognize my limits
- One step at a time - sometimes that means one step forward and two steps back, but other times it's two steps forward and one step back
- Realize that I really am getting better, remind myself how I felt after chemo and again after radiation, I actually have come a long way
- Look to the future - realize my new possibilities, they may be totally different than what I've done in the past
- Enjoy each day
- Love my family
- See the beauty that God has laid out there for us
- Take the low times in stride, recognize it as part of the healing process
- Live each day with love and thankfulness
- Enjoy the rain
- Dance and smile
Ambrose |
Apples to Apples |
On a more general note - Our Christmas was very blessed. We got to spend wonderful time with all of our children and their families, and we were blessed with a new grandson on Christmas Eve.
Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from Christ's side, wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me, Suffer me not to be separated from Thee
From the malicious enemy defend me. In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come unto Thee. That I may praise Thee with Thy saints and with Thy angels
God Bless you all and thanks for keeping me in your prayers,