Hats and Scarves

Hats and Scarves
Hats and Scarves

A Year and a Half Later

A Year and a Half Later
A Year and a Half Later

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday - March 30th - Surgery Scheduled

Another day in the great adventure of cancer. We saw Dr. Schauer this morning, I'm scheduled for a Modified Radical Mastectomy on Monday - the day after Easter. I think that modified and radical are actually mutually exclusive terms. Katrina just said that's "Rad". Rick and I spent the day in Eugene, doing the pre-op appointment and I had a MRI with contrast to give the doctor a better picture. Never eat before having one of those, it's a really bad idea, you lay so that all your weight is pushing all of that wonderful Cafe Yumm food up into your throat. After a couple of weeks I'll see an oncologist and start chemo, more on that later. They will also be placing a porta-cath for the chemo.

Have a great Holy Week and Easter and please keep us in your prayers,



  1. Linda, I appreciate your taking time to make this blogg. I know your aim is to help others as you get a chance to better understand your own journey down this road. You have done a lovely job on your layout and content. This will be a special Easter for me because of you. I know you and your family will cherish this Easter in a new way as well. All my love to you.

  2. Praying for you and your family, that He will give you all strength, courage, comfort and patience for this journey... for wisdom for the doctors, a successful surgery and quick recovery. May He provide you all with the peace only He can give. In the name of our sweet Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

    Love you sis. Rob & Tina

  3. Mom, you are the strongest person that I have ever known. You have taught me how to be a strong person, and how to make it thru life on a daily basis. I cannot tell you how much I admire you and strive to be as good of a person, mother and friend as you are and have always been.
