The day before my mammogram I had a root canal - it was easy, painless, and the insurance paid for almost all of it. Well, last night the tooth behind it started hurting, so I called and left a message at my dentists, being the amazing people they are they called me before 8 this morning and scheduled an appt for noon to check it out, you can't start chemo with and infected tooth. I drove to Coos Bay, they gave me antibiotics and pain pills and referred me to the endodontist, saying I should get in tough this afternoon, so that I can get my chemo as scheduled. Got back to work about 2 and called the endodontist, low and behold they could see me in a couple of hours. Thank goodness Rick could go with me, I get a little stressed at the dentist, so this way I could take one of my dental/airplane flight ativan that I had left. The endodontist was great, but not only did I need a root canal, he needed to cut open my gum, drill in to the bone, etc... in order to get the infection cleaned out, so after 1 and a half hours of jackhammering in my mouth, they sent me on my way with stitches, stronger pain medicine and a soft diet for the next week. On the good side the awesome endodontist is only charging us for the root canal, but not for the additional surgery, which would have cost us an additional $1800, thanks Dr Liesinger.
Well the novacaine has now worn off and the pain meds are starting to kick in - wooohooo. After this, I think that chemo may be much easier than a root canal.
Things to remember -
God never gives us more than we can handle
Offer my pain to our Lord, it's less than He had to suffer for us.
Be thankful for all that God has given us, including the root canal, who knows, if this hadn't been taken care of today it could have been much worse when my white counts are low.
Thank you God.
Katrina, Francis, Ingrid and Vincent are safely in Kentucky. May God bless Miette, her family and Godparents on her baptismal day.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, oh Saviour save us.
An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered. G K Chesterton
Hats and Scarves

Hats and Scarves
A Year and a Half Later

A Year and a Half Later
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
4/27/2010 - Katrina is off to Kentucky and the Oncologist has a Plan
Katrina is headed to Portland and then on to Kentucky with Francis, Ingrid and Vincent - to the baptism of Miette Barnickel and watch the Kentucky Derby. They're taking the red eye tomorrow night and flying back on Sunday.
I got to meet the oncologist today - I really liked - he is young, Italian, with red hair and blue eyes, very knowledgeable. He is planning on doing the TCH regimen (no not THC),click this link if you want to read some info on this treatment,, followed by radiation and hormone therapy (Arimidex).
The TC is for cancer
The Herceptin is an antibody that they give you if your tumor is HER/2neu positive, and mine is.
The Arimidex is used for Estrogen and Progesterone receptor positive tumors, it stops your body from making estrogen to help make sure that the cancer cells starve.
The TC (Taxotere & Carboplatin) will be given along with H (Herceptin) via my port every 3 weeks for 4 months, they will continue with the herceptin every three weeks for a full year. Within a couple of weeks of the last TC treatment they will start radiation, I haven't seen the radiology oncologist yet, but have heard that I will receive radiation 5 days per week for 5-7 weeks. Not sure when they start the Arimidex, but you take that for 5 years, this is a pill.
The visit with the surgeon went well, my incision is healing well, and he said I wasn't retaining lymph fluid. I see him again on 5/7 and if everything looks good I will again be able to raise my elbow above my shoulder and maybe even take a bath, instead of just a shower. I also have my first visit with the radiology oncologist on May 7, and will probably start chemo the next Monday, May 10th. Sometime before then they want to do a baseline echocardiogram, and also a CT of the chest and abdomen, and a bone scan, just to make sure that I don't have it anywhere else. The oncologist doesn't think that I do from my test results and the physical exam, but just wants to makes sure, plus these also serve as a base line for the future.
It looks like I might be able to receive some of my chemo treatments in Florence!!!!!!
Love and God Bless,
I got to meet the oncologist today - I really liked - he is young, Italian, with red hair and blue eyes, very knowledgeable. He is planning on doing the TCH regimen (no not THC),click this link if you want to read some info on this treatment,, followed by radiation and hormone therapy (Arimidex).
The TC is for cancer
The Herceptin is an antibody that they give you if your tumor is HER/2neu positive, and mine is.
The Arimidex is used for Estrogen and Progesterone receptor positive tumors, it stops your body from making estrogen to help make sure that the cancer cells starve.
The TC (Taxotere & Carboplatin) will be given along with H (Herceptin) via my port every 3 weeks for 4 months, they will continue with the herceptin every three weeks for a full year. Within a couple of weeks of the last TC treatment they will start radiation, I haven't seen the radiology oncologist yet, but have heard that I will receive radiation 5 days per week for 5-7 weeks. Not sure when they start the Arimidex, but you take that for 5 years, this is a pill.
The visit with the surgeon went well, my incision is healing well, and he said I wasn't retaining lymph fluid. I see him again on 5/7 and if everything looks good I will again be able to raise my elbow above my shoulder and maybe even take a bath, instead of just a shower. I also have my first visit with the radiology oncologist on May 7, and will probably start chemo the next Monday, May 10th. Sometime before then they want to do a baseline echocardiogram, and also a CT of the chest and abdomen, and a bone scan, just to make sure that I don't have it anywhere else. The oncologist doesn't think that I do from my test results and the physical exam, but just wants to makes sure, plus these also serve as a base line for the future.
It looks like I might be able to receive some of my chemo treatments in Florence!!!!!!
Love and God Bless,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
4/21/2010 - Both Drains are now out

Feels great, though I still have to wait until Friday for the full shower - I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday Juliana and Katrina went with me to have the first drain pulled, we had an awesome day, visited the American Cancer Society, they gave me a bunch of information and I got signed up for the Reach to Recovery program, which assigns you a mentor type person that is a breast cancer survivor, they help in your journey through the mysteries of cancer treatments and side effects. Then we went and chose some hats for when (ok if) I lose my hair.
Today Teresa, Katrina and Emily went with me to have the second drain removed. We got to try to find sports bras that fit snug, come up high under your arm and that you don't have to raise your arm to get in to, no that is an adventure. We had a wonderful day together, it was a beautiful drive home.
I really enjoyed spending the time with my daughters, we don't get to do that often. My daughters, and granddaughters are amazing, smart, caring, fun to be with, I could go on and on. My sons are too!!!
I just had to share the picture above, my mom forwarded it to me today.
Love and God Bless to all,
Thursday, April 15, 2010
April 15, 2009 - First Breast Cancer Support Group
I'm so glad that I went. I was excited to go when I first learned of the meeting, then as the time drew closer to go to "the" meeting, I felt myself backing out - I don't need to go, what can I learn, this will be embarrassing, what if I cry..... Even as I parked, I considered just leaving, but I went in and it was such a blessing. A wonderful group of women sharing their experiences with me to make it easier for me. I can't wait to go back next month.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
April 13, 2010 - First post surgical visit
Good News, it's only in 5 of 18 lymph nodes, bad news - means I get to have radiation as well. I get the drains out next week, then in 2 weeks we get to meet the oncologist, he'll outline the treatment, then as soon as the surgeon releases me, we start on the next part of the adventure - Chemo, Herceptin, and hormone therapy in addition to radiation - the BIG 4 treatment. The doctor said I need to cut back and if I hurt, don't work!!! This is hard for me - say a prayer that I take the time I need to heal. Now he did say I could walk all I wanted, just haven't figured out how to type with my feet. So starting tomorrow, rest when I hurt, walk, get my hair done, work some, eat healthy, enjoy life, pray withough ceasing, and Trust in the Lord at all times!!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
April 5, 2010 - Surgery Day
Here's a picture of me with my new short hair - much easier to take care of since I can't really shower for a couple of weeks.
The surgery went well, though I am minus one breast and multiple lymph nodes now. Good News - the MRI showed no signs of cancer in the right breast. More good news, Dr. Schauer felt that he got all of the cancer in the left breast, and didn't see any in the lymph nodes, however, sometimes you can't see them in the nodes, so we are waiting for the pathology report later this week to find out all of the details. Because it is a fast growing, agressive type of cancer they will still do Chemo, will know more about that later too. They did put in a portacath under my right collar bone for blood draws, chemo and whatever else they may use it for. I kind of feel like I've been hit multiple times with a 2x4. Rick and Katrina are taking great care of me. Yesterday when I was coming out of anethesia in the recovery room I was thinking of chicken soup for dinner, and guess what - Teresa had made some for us for dinner. Juliana and Teresa came over and cleaned the house yesterday, it was so nice to come home to a clean house. Patrick is expected this evening for a couple of days, it will be great to see him. This is certainly an adventure, learing things that I never thought that I would need to know.
For all of you ladies out there - if you notice any changes in your breasts go to a doctor, and for your mammograms go to a breast center with a digital mammogram. Breast Centers focus on Breast issues, have breast certified radiologists, and when you leave you know the results, and if you need to move forward with things. It moved so fast, but with some types of breast cancer waiting isn't a good thing. They type of tumor I had doubles in size every 3 months. Enough lecturing for now.
I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me, thinking about us, sending food, flowers, and just well wishes. You're all wonderful and you'll never know how much I appreciate all of your support, just knowing you are all there makes the going easier.
Back to the surgery, they kicked us out of there about 3pm yesterday, we went over to Rick's dads house for an hour or two to see if I really felt up to the ride home, and Rick picked up prescriptions for me. We drove home in a really nasty wind and rain storm, but made it safely.
Thanks to all of the Ash Valley Ladies for the beautiful Geranium, to Marsha, Donna Sue and Robyn for the lovely bouquet. My daughters for everything. My husband. Umpqua Bank for the flowers last week. and much, much more that I can't remember right now.
later - God Bless you all,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
April 4th - Easter Sunday
What a great weekend with family and friends. Mass was wonderful. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers and thoughts tomorrow. Everyone has been wonderful. Next episode on Wednesday.
Love and God bless,
Love and God bless,
Saturday, April 3, 2010
April 3rd - He Is Risen!! Happy Easter
Tomorrow Easter at Juliana's then off to Eugene for surgery. It's been a wonderful weekend having Francis, Ingrid & Vincent and Dad, Mom and Jeff here. Hopefully we'll get some pictures. Have a happy and Blessed Easter.
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