Here's a picture of me with my new short hair - much easier to take care of since I can't really shower for a couple of weeks.
The surgery went well, though I am minus one breast and multiple lymph nodes now. Good News - the MRI showed no signs of cancer in the right breast. More good news, Dr. Schauer felt that he got all of the cancer in the left breast, and didn't see any in the lymph nodes, however, sometimes you can't see them in the nodes, so we are waiting for the pathology report later this week to find out all of the details. Because it is a fast growing, agressive type of cancer they will still do Chemo, will know more about that later too. They did put in a portacath under my right collar bone for blood draws, chemo and whatever else they may use it for. I kind of feel like I've been hit multiple times with a 2x4. Rick and Katrina are taking great care of me. Yesterday when I was coming out of anethesia in the recovery room I was thinking of chicken soup for dinner, and guess what - Teresa had made some for us for dinner. Juliana and Teresa came over and cleaned the house yesterday, it was so nice to come home to a clean house. Patrick is expected this evening for a couple of days, it will be great to see him. This is certainly an adventure, learing things that I never thought that I would need to know.
For all of you ladies out there - if you notice any changes in your breasts go to a doctor, and for your mammograms go to a breast center with a digital mammogram. Breast Centers focus on Breast issues, have breast certified radiologists, and when you leave you know the results, and if you need to move forward with things. It moved so fast, but with some types of breast cancer waiting isn't a good thing. They type of tumor I had doubles in size every 3 months. Enough lecturing for now.
I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me, thinking about us, sending food, flowers, and just well wishes. You're all wonderful and you'll never know how much I appreciate all of your support, just knowing you are all there makes the going easier.
Back to the surgery, they kicked us out of there about 3pm yesterday, we went over to Rick's dads house for an hour or two to see if I really felt up to the ride home, and Rick picked up prescriptions for me. We drove home in a really nasty wind and rain storm, but made it safely.
Thanks to all of the Ash Valley Ladies for the beautiful Geranium, to Marsha, Donna Sue and Robyn for the lovely bouquet. My daughters for everything. My husband. Umpqua Bank for the flowers last week. and much, much more that I can't remember right now.
later - God Bless you all,
Get well soon mom!